Writing requirements

General guidelines

Manuscripts will be submitted using our manuscript submission & review system

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Authors are invited to follow the following rules while submitting their contributions:

Author Checklist:

  • I inserted the co-author information completely.
  • I have prepared this manuscript in accordance with the style and format requirements of this journal.
  • I have studied relevant scientific work and relevant sources in scientific databases such as Scopus, Web of Science, Web of knowledge, Erih plus, etc. I have highlighted them (at least two) using the blue color.
  • I confirm that this manuscript has been submitted solely to this journal and is not published, in press, or submitted elsewhere.
  • The manuscript is in Microsoft Word and PDF document file format.
  • Figures, tables, images are also sent in Jpeg format.
  • The instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Submitted articles must adhere to the editorial norms and typographic rules described below. Articles that do not follow the norms of the review will not be sent to the experts.

Editorial norms

Authors must also submit a bio-bibliography of maximum 100 words in a separate document. This document will also contain link of your Scopus author identity and ORCID iD.

Your paper should not exceed 15 pages including abstract, tables, footnotes, references.

All figures, tables, and images to be included in the text have to be submitted in separate files in Jpeg format.

At its first submission, the manuscript itself will contain no reference to the author(s)’ identity. This information (the author’s name, academic affiliation, academic e-mail, Scopus author identifier, ORCID iD, the author name in the references section if their work is cited) will be added only when the camera-readypaper is submitted. Please see Ensuring a Blind Review.

General layout of the text
The format of the document will be: Times New Roman 10, line spacing: single, justified. Use 9pt for endnotes, index, table and figures.

Page margins: – top: 5 cm; – bottom: 5 cm, – left / right: 4
Title of the paper – TNR 12, bold, italic, capital letters, centered, followed by a double space
Abstract – TNR 9, bold, italic. Content: TNR, 9, italic, followed by a single space. The abstract will be 250-300 words.
Key words: TNR 9, bold, italic. The three – five key words: TNR 9, italic, followed by a single space
Titles, abstracts and keywords will be submitted in two languages, one of them being French or English.

Subheadings: 10 pt, ranged left with 6 pt above and 6 pt beneath.


Indent paragraphs (1 cm); however, there should be no indentation after section headings, a blank line, a table, a graph, a list or an indented quotation;

Use a double space between paragraphs only to mark a strong and significant divide (for example after the introduction or before the conclusion).


Please translate quotations from sources in other languages into the language of your article and give the original in the footnote. If the expression in the original language is particularly important for the argument, you may cite it in parenthesis after the translation in the main text.

Short quotations: less than two lines. They should be inscribed in normal font and between quotation marks, in the body of the text. Use double quotation marks for all cases (including single words) except for quotes within quotes. Inverted commas – in Romanian: „xxx”; in French: « xxxx»; in English, German, Spanish, Italian (or other): “xxxx”. Apostrophe- the’ form will be used.

When a quote is merged into a normal sentence, put the final dot outside the quotation marks.

Example 1: Mrs Woodstone said they were “loud and utterly annoying”.

If the quote starts with a complete sentence but is part of a wider sentence, it should be introduced by a colon. In any case, the quotation should in that case start with a capital letter and the final dot should be placed inside the quotation marks.

Example 2: After the conversation, Mrs. Woodstone said: “They are loud and utterly annoying.”

Long quotations: Indent quoted texts of greater than 2 lines or other texts which you think should stand out by 5 millimeters from both sides, and leave one line spaces between the top line and main text as well as between the bottom line and main text; and use 9 pts for all such text.

In a quotation, any cut should be marked with […], as well as any personal comment. 


Should be inserted using Word’s automatic footnote system. Footnotes are placed at the bottom of every page. TNR 9, single space, justified without indentation.

Basic typographic rules

Italics or bold letters will be used in the following cases:
– for the titles of works or articles quoted in the text, notes or bibliography;

– to highlight a concept, a notion, a metadiscursive word, etc.
– for classical notations: ibidem, idem, op.cit., cf., apud, supra, infra, et alii. The word “idem” will be written using normal characters.
Please avoid underlining.

Quotation marks

Quotation marks: Inverted commas – in Romanian: „xxx”; in French: « xxxx»; in English, German, Spanish, Italian (or other): “xxxx”.

Quotation marks are used around a quotation. Simple quotation marks (‘ ’) are used inside a quotation.


In caps, without dots (UNESCO, CNRS). If the acronym is not well-known, explain its significance in a footnote at first occurrence.

Names of societies, ministries etc… are in regular, with only a cap on the first letter.


Will be written in full letters (five men, etc.).

Short forms

You should use the following: 20th century, BC., etc., Mr., Ms., Mm., Mlle, 1st, 2nd, ed., dir., chap., vol., p. 14 et p. 124-127.

Tables and graphs

Text within tables should be ranged left. Numbers should be centred on the decimal point. Do not use colour to indicate different values, but arrange the table and graph so that it is legible in black and white. Graphics are to be submitted in .Jpeg format as well.

Tables and graphs are to be numbered consecutively and be given titles (captions). These should appear below the table/graph. Use a single space before and after tables/graphs.

 Examples and lists

All examples and lists should be indented. Left: 0,63 cm. Hanging:0,63 cm. Use a single space before and after examples.

 All examples and lists should be numbered progressively (do not re-start in each subsection); e.g.

(50) Wee Your Majesties most dutifull and loyall Subjects the Commons assembled in Parliament have cheerfully and unanimouslygiven and granted and doe hereby give and grant unto Your Majesty (E3-S2)

(51) I would gladly see him, but (P. Henry’s letter to his wife)

Items in lists should also be numbered or, alternatively, be preceded by a dot; e.g.:

In particular, students were assessed on their reading competencies with reference to:

Reference system

References will be written in the text of the paper as in the example: (author’s surname, year of publication: page)
The reference list added to the bibliography at the end of the article will include only the references mentioned in the text.
A double space should be left between the text and bibliography.

Do not number the pages.

References– TNR 9, bold, italic.
References will be listed in alphabetical order, in TNR 9, as in the following examples:

– monographs Author, year, Title, place of publication, publishing house
e.g.: Rastier, F., 1989, Sens et textualité, Paris, Hachette.
Searle, J., 1972, Les Actes de langage, Paris, Hermann.
– journal articles: Author, year, „Title”, Journal, number, page(s)
e.g.: Marquant, H., 2005, « Formation à la traduction technique », Meta : journal des traducteurs / Meta: Translators’ Journal, 50.1, p. 129-136.
– contributions to collective volumes: Author, year, „Title”, editor’s name (ed.), Title of the collective volume, publishing house.
e.g.: Spilka, I. V., 1984, « Analyse de traduction » in Thomas A., Flamand, J. (dir.). La traduction : l’universitaire et le praticien. Ottawa, Éditions de l’Université d’Ottawa, p. 72-81.

The electronic sources will be mentioned alphabetically. The date of last consultation will be mentioned:
E.g.: Bertels, A., 2009, « Etudier la sémantique des termes techniques : des théories à la pratique», International Journal of Applied Linguistics ITL 157, p.1-22 http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-578/paper8.pdf (consulté le 8 août 2013).

The references will be followed by a bio-bibliography of maximum 100 words. A double space should be left between the references and the text (TNR 9) which should not be longer than one paragraph. (This text will be added by the editors when the camera-ready paper is submitted by the author,s. Please add the bio-bibliographic note in a Word document in the Additional files section accompanied by the statement of originality that you can download from our manuscript submission platform).